Thesis and Publications About IPR in China

Thesis: ‘Paper Tiger or Roaring Dragon, China’s TRIPs Implementations and Enforcement’
BMM Bulletin Paper: ‘How to work within China’s IPR enforcement system for trademark and design rights’
Article: ‘How to prevent and act upon intellectual property rights infringements in China’
Article: China’s National IP Strategy 2008: Feasible Commitments or Road to Nowhere Paved With Good Intentions
Article: ‘How do the People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong relate to each other regarding IPRs’
Netherlands Hong Kong Society article: ‘Intellectual Property Rights in HK and China’
Guest blog for BIZZ: ‘China and intellectual property’ (Dutch)

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2 Responses to Thesis and Publications About IPR in China

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  2. Anonymous says:

    Great thesis! Thanks for sharing..P-P

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