Beijing AIC: Old Wine In New Bags: Scarce Stats, However, Purchasing Advice

In February IP Dragon posted about Baijiu counterfeiters that prey on drunkards, read more here. Now China CSR has a story about Beijing wine stores that sell counterfeit wines.

The Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce (AIC) conducted a check in 400 shops, before the May break. It is too bad that the article didn’t supply more statistics, such as the percentage of counterfeit wines. It only gave the absolut number of confiscated 3937 bottles of best-selling brands in China.

Whether or not the Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce supplied statistics, it at least advised the Beijing citizens where to buy a genuine bottle of wine:

A representative from Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce suggests customers buy wines at big shopping malls and franchise supermarkets to better mitigate the chances of purchasing fake goods.

Read more here.

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