Permanent IPR Watchdog at Silk Market, Beware of The Waterbed Principle

After the court decision in the Beijing Silk Market Appeal Case, read here, the Chinese authorities seem to take intellectual property infringement very seriously. Now they even have opened a permanent office to watch for any counterfeit product.

The office, a local administration of industry and commerce (AIC), is staffed by eight officials equipped with digital cameras who will patrol the alley throughout opening hours from 9 am to 9 pm, the Beijing News said.

The Beijing AIC should beware of the waterbed principle. If you try to solve a problem at one place, it can reappear somewhere else. Before and after opening hours of Silk Market the risk may return or it may pop up at another market. Some expect the pirated goods sellers to try to sell via the internet.

Read the AFX article published by Forbes here.

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