Does Microsoft Have Double IPR Standards in China?

Yesterday and the day before the Asia Technology Roundtable Exhibition, organised by magazine Red Herring was held in Beijing, see here. Clendenin covered the story for EETimes.

Although Microsoft has signed deals worth more than 1.5 million US dollar, IDC came up with an report regarding the extent of software piracy in China, which was 90 percent.

The countries with the highest software piracy rates:
Vietnam 92 percent;
Ukraine 91 percent;
China 90 percent;
Zimbabwe 90 percent;
Indonesia 87 percent.
Source: IDC, see here.

However Nigel Burton, general manager of Greater China for Microsoft was discussing his optimistic outlook for China. Alex Vieux, publisher of Red Herring challenged him, wrote Clendenin tha Burton was challenged for being an apologist for China by making excuses for a double standard.

“I am shocked that a Microsoft official would tell me that what is not OK in France, or in England or America is OK in China. You feel good that only 90 percent of your market here gets stolen, and you would not feel good about that in France,” Vieux said, interrupting Burton’s speech.

Read the EETimes article here

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