Largest Comparative Study between IPR Law of China and EU

The Legislation Protecting Intellectual Property Rights and its Enforcement in the European Union and the People’s Republic of China: A Comparative Study” is commissioned by the joint EU-China Trade Project (EUCTP). It’s written by Paul Ranjard, Huang Hui and Benoît Misonne.

The study analyses common IPR practices (civil, administrative and crimi procedures as well as the role of customs) in China and four selected EU member states (France, Germany, the UK and the Czech Republic). It identifies and compares, from the point of view of an IP holder, the specific procedures available for handling IPR-related cases (Patents, Designs, Trademarks and Copyrights), how they are applied and their overall effectiveness. Where the
systems diverge, the study seeks to highlight the differences in a descriptive and factual manner. It is the largest and most in-depth EU-China comparative study on IPR’s that has been ever conducted (..). Read more here or download the study here directly.

Thank you Professor Hugenholtz of IViR for pointing out the study.

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