New patent reform China ready next year and special IPR court proposed by SIPO

Liu Weiling of the China Daily wrote that Chinese patent law, promulgated in 1985, was amended in 1992 and 2000, and will be reformed again.

“The sections that are likely to be revised will include how to simplify patent application and examination procedures, whether to adopt international standards in granting patents, and how to improve patent protection and infringement judgment standards.”

SIPO suggested adding some rules in the Patent Law to protect China’s biological and genetic resources. The office will propose establishing a specific court to handle patent or intellectual property right (IPR) lawsuits.

Read more here.

August 10th, SIPO announced that it formally starts the so called ‘National Intellectual Property Strategy -Making Work’. In this statement SIPO is mentioning The Three Representatives. Yu, Bo refered me to Bill Heinze’s I/P Updates article on this subject. Read here.

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